YouTube suspended my channel for a video about disclosed on HackerOne issue in Grammarly

7 days ago my channel was suspended and I got a letter from Youtube with suspension reason "Spam, deceptive practices, & scams policies"

I send an appeal to them:

  1. At the blocking moment, I had only 2 videos (just screen records) on my channel which showed the same problem in 2 different Grammarly products
  2. these videos were an illustration for my report for Grammarly on the HackerOne, which Grammarly disclosed to the public and does not consider this a problem."The described behavior is a functionality limitation that does not affect the security and privacy of our product."
  3. these videos were published after Grammarly representatives allowed me to release this information
  4. in the description of the video, there were links to the HackerOne case for the problem and to my blog on Medium with a detailed study of this problem
  5. the video was posted for educational purposes only and without malicious intent

...but without success. Аnd my appeal was immediately declined.

I posted today my tweet about this on HackerNews and have already received tons of upvotes and comments.

So, I got no bounty reward from Grammarly but got an account termination from Youtube.

I'm looking for support. Please, anyone who knows somebody from YT/G team, tag them in my tweet. Or just retweet. I am grateful for any help and assistance!

submitted by /u/evilksandr
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from hacking: security in practice
