ARP MiTM question

I recently watched this video on YouTube: ARP Poisoning | Man-in-the-Middle Attack by CertBros

Does this method also work as in the common case, when the MAC address has been spoofed, if an attacker wanted an extra layer of concealment? Also, ARP Poisoning MITM with a force disconnect kind of attack to intercept TLS key generation communications and create the new key at the same time as the target system; is that possible?

Any tutorial-like reads to test the procedures out, if any of the above are feasible, are most welcome. 😁

Disclaimer: I am a university student, self-studying NetSec on my free time. My interests are completely educational, with a professional (legal) end. My current skills are beyond a beginner's, but below average (in my opinion). I do have a homelab set-up. (I wanted to have everuthing in the clear, so that only productive comments may be found below. Thank you all in advance!)

submitted by /u/SpacePilot8888
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from hacking: security in practice
