Printer keeps printing log4j scans

Printer keeps printing log4j scans

Yesterday we had 3 print and today so far only one.

When I came to work and I saw what it was I unplugged the network cable and sent a pic to our IT team via email (CYA). After no answer I called them and they keep asking me who said it was ok to unplug the printer. I said me, they were mad and told me to plug the printer back in.

I am confused how Nessus is scanning the printer. We are a remote office so our router VPN's our connection back to main office, no split tunnels or anything. The printer is on a different private subnet and when the internet is out we can't print as the printer only talks to the print server in the main office.

Any one else having their printer spit out scans like this? I know is 'good' company but still.

I did some Google searches but with all the news on log4j right now I couldn't find anything.

submitted by /u/Rriven21
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