picking up where we left off about being Anonymous

So, one thing that have always bugged me.How do they find you.Sure they have all technologies in the world. But that would point to computer in the end. No way to know who was behind the screen.like if you use a cyber cafe of you are solo.one step up,think a group of hackers would establish a bunch of computers and servers in the middle of nowhere in some long forgotten country.They come there do their thing.After a month of prep(they haven't done anything illegal yet) They decide to go for the biggest hack(in collaboration with similar nobodies in other countries).Once they achieved their goal and destroyed their target, They stood up nicely set the whole place on fire and never were they seen there nor were they seen there before since it's in the middle of nowhere.Assuming they didn't collect cash how would you catch em

2nd question, little bit more straight forward.Why can't be connecting a proxy with north corea be the answer of all problems.Kim Jong Un wouldn't comply with law enforcement.

submitted by /u/mashrafi989
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/3JjqgQO
