How are black hats able still able to get away with attacks?

In our day and age of extremely prioritized cybersecurity and policing, it is almost every week or less that another breach is reported, and often we only hear about the perpetrators by their associations with groups or hostile nations, but not so often do I see news of individuals being tracked down by authorities successfully. This surprises me as organizations like the NSA and FBI are so advanced in their ability to investigate cyber attacks, that it seems like even if you used every possible method of obscuring your identity and whereabouts during an attack, they would have ways of hunting you down, and seem plenty enthusiastic to do so.

If a black hat hacker got on a public wifi network with a proxy and routed everything through TOR in a McDonald's parking lot, spoofed their IP and MAC address, and then breached the network of some organization and stole a bunch of PIDs and sensitive data, etc., don't these things turn into ruthless federal manhunts for the perpetrators, or have I just watched too many FBI TV shows?

submitted by /u/GrassyNotes
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from hacking: security in practice
