Cracking firefox's logins.json without key4.db

I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this query, if it is, I would appreciate a point in the right direction.

I pulled a stupid and lost all my passwords. When I recovered the data, I ended up with a corrupted key4 AND logins. So, the conventional method of importing them did not work.

Is it possible to decrypt/crack this stuff? Below is a sample of the file for reference (this is a throwaway account):


I do have the vast majority of these usernames and passwords memorized and could provide them to whatever tool you would recommend. I also know the first three characters of the password I am looking for are, if that helps at all.

Again, I apologize. You guys are my next to last best hope. I am going to dig around a few more backup hard drives I have scattered around and see if I can find a more UTD password list, but I really don't think it is going to happen.

submitted by /u/GoldenSheppard
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from hacking: security in practice
