Kali, Kismet, and a GPS dongle that doesn't want to update (but only with gpsd)

I've tried this on both KaliPi and Kali running in RHEL VMM.

I'm attempting to do a "wireless assesment survery" (ahem wardrive) using Kismet, but I'm having a weird GPS issue.

The dongle I'm using is this one, which has a U-Blox 7 under the hood.

Everything is detected correctly, gpsmon gives me wonderfully good data, with the lat/long dancing around in the bottom few digits as the accuracy comes down. Then I fired up gpsd with nothing more complex than a -n option and cgps shows a good 3d fix and tons of satellites while the NMEA data flies past underneath.

Cool. Went for a drive.

Came home and looked at the data, and wouldn't you know it - it was all geolocated at my house. The place I started Kismet.

I went back and looked at the cgps output and the lat/long wasn't changing. At all. Not even eight digits past the decimal. Rock steady. I did it again on a drive, looking at the location in cgps the whole time. Never changed.

I discovered that the location will update if you restart gpsd and then re-run cgps, but it gets "stuck" on the first fix after gpsd starts.

I've been pulling my hair out trying all manner of different settings in /etc/default/gpsd and searching through forums but nobody seems to be having this precise problem.

Any ideas? I would just assume the dongle is bad were it not for the super clean data coming through the tty into gpsmon.

submitted by /u/Do_Hard_Things
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