Job help.

So i'm supposed to test the security of a wifi network. But theres some unconventional issues with this job.

The company uses the 5ghz wifi network which doesnt penetrate their building walls that well. So with the traditional aircrack-ng approach i run into an issue that if i let airodump run long enough i find few access points but the signal is so shitty that i cannot deauth.(i get error for losing the beacon frame?!?)
But i can see bunch of devices connected to the said network.
I have external nic which allows me to crank up the signal strength but i believe thats illegal where i'm at..

The access points all use wpa2-psk with wps enabled

So what would be an alternative approach??
Is PIN bruteforce still a thing? Maybe phising with fake ap?

The scope of the job is only the wifi network.
Pay is bad but the client is friend so i wanna do good job.
I'm terribly rusty and out of the loop when it comes to wifi security...

submitted by /u/dumpzyyi
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from hacking: security in practice
