Having trouble understanding WEP cracking and Initialization vectors

Hi guys, I'm going through a course on EH and came across WEP cracking, but can't grasp the theory behind it, particularly regarding Initialization vectors.

They explain that an IV is appended to the key which becomes a keystream that is used to encrpyt the data, and then go on to state that having multiple of the same IVs after collecting thousands of packets, we can go on to decrypt the data within.

My questions are:

1) How does an IV secure the key used to create the keystream? Or rather, why does adding a random value to the key make it harder to decrypt? How would we decrypt the key without the IV in the first place?

2) Why would having multiple IVs help us? If the key stream is just (IV + Key), what's the difference if we get two of the same ones?

Answers are appreicated, thanks for taking the time to read this :)

submitted by /u/Craedyth
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/3BymKgq
