Car antenna booster?

So I decided to experiment with an old car antenna I found at the scrap yard and a cheap ass USB wifi I got at the arc thrift shop.

I figured that the USB wifi dongle has to have an antenna in it, otherwise how would it catch the signal.

After saudering the car antenna positive connection to the wifi dangles antenna port, I plugged it in to see what I could find.

And by the gods, 5 whole ass pages of wifi networks in my area. Im not sure what the hell I did, but before I was only catching half a page of wifi networks. I'm approximately 0.55 miles from Walmart and king soopers, and yet, I can catch both signals.

Not sure what I can do with this yet, nor am I certain how I'm going to utilize this. But it does give me a few ideas for when I eventually get a raspberry pi.

submitted by /u/Captain-Crunch1989
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from hacking: security in practice
