Fellow Hackers, do you feeling alone sometimes ?

First of all I have to apologize for this post, but today i'm feeling really depressed.

Years ago i lost my mother due to damn cancer, then suddenly my girlfriend left me...4 years passed but couldn't really move on since then...

I had high and low moments, but honestly that deep sensation of 'unhappiness' never left me.

So hacking becomes again everything to me and i started dreaming again.

"Again" because i'm involved in this since i was born, i started 25 years ago, hacking was so different from now, no google, no stackoverflow..internet was a different breed!

Then suddenly i slowly left hacking world and community, i'm a *nix sysadmin since '2000, but anyway i thought that real life was outside, i told to myself i didn't want to be in front of a computer anymore at least for all that hours.

I thought that we have one life and time is precious and must be spent with those we love.... with good friend.. with family..... but.... i lost almost everything. So here I am, lol. I can code for 18 hours straight now. I realize that I am back who I was from the beginning. And this saved me. Hacking literally saved me from death. During last 2 years hacking and mainly hacking community became my family again..

I had always a strong relationship with hacking culture and hacking community, so all of you, even if I don't know you. My heroes when i was a child were Lord Shinva, Kevin Mitnick, Elias Levy (also known as Aleph One) and so on... I have dreamed on this for all my youth, an incredible passion on linux and C programming, first BOFs...then a degree in computer science. I miss the the old golden times, IRC, hacking ezines, "buffer overflow for fun and profit" (published in 1996 doh!) ..and so on...i'm feeling so nostalgic today but writing this makes me less sad.

Hackers community has given to me so much. In many ways.

So.. sorry again for this rant but i wish to thanks you really from bottom of my heart. And with 'you' i mean all fantastic, incredile pioneers that made my childhood great and makes me dreaming still now at age of 35 years.

You're my family. And writing this to you, kept me away from writing something stupid to my ex girlfriend. I would have lost some of my dignity again.


submitted by /u/calfcrusher_
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