Making a usb rubber ducky with only a stock usb

I want to try my hand on making a usb that can run payloads that use ducky commands that have been converted to python (Ducky to python script on github). But I'm having a hard time finding a way to find a script that can run the script automatically once it's inserted like the Ducky does. I tried with a rooted android but that doesn't work. I know you can set a usb to automatically run it with some installed programs but I want to make it a stand alone. I know its possible on linux thanks to chmod and other commands but windows is a bit more secure. I have thought of using the technician access since usually they usual default credentials most of the time. Another thing I thought of is running from BIOS some how (but that's most likely a strech).

Ducky Script to Python

submitted by /u/Username_1987_
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from hacking: security in practice
