How to create yor own pandemic causing virus

If you want to create your own virus this is how you would do it. Mind you, when I say "create" I mean "modify." Even the famous coronavirus was not "created" but rather just a modified version of the virus that existed in bats. It is actually impossible to create a virus because the virus is a living thing, and we can't create life from non-life (yet, if ever). So it's actually very simple and you can do it from home. Here is what you will need:

  1. a sick animal
  2. a few healthy animals
  3. a healthy male and female human
  4. a humid dark room between 65-75 F

So the goal here is to recreate the conditions in nature that would cause a mutation. What you would need to do is put 1-3 in the humid dark room and make them fight and scratch each other and eat each others shit and piss until the male and human female get sick. Now you have caused a mutation and you can let the two human subjects out into a wet market or somewhere that it would have an easy time spreading and bam, you have a pandemic.

submitted by /u/redtardio
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from hacking: security in practice
