Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Free Training - Will Cover Full Course

Howdy everyone,

I'm doing free training on the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Course (AZ-900). Will also be covering other Microsoft courses as well as courses from other vendors.

I will be covering the full AZ-900 course and my intention is to do this with other courses too. Really hoping this helps someone out there. This should be more than enough to be able to pass the Microsoft International Certification Exam and should also prove useful in the workplace for those that just want to learn more or those that need to troubleshoot something.

In case someone wants to point out that the AZ-900 specifically is also delivered for Free by Microsoft, yes I'm fully aware of that. You do however normally need to book that and can only attend on certain times. It also comes down to preference. Some people just connect better with other people's way of presenting something.

Have a look at my way of delivering and if you don't like it, well then don't watch it lol. I normally tend to go the extra mile with the topics. I don't just explain the theory you need to know for the exam but I also add a little extra. I also cover most topics practically by actually demonstrating them on the Microsoft Azure portal. :)


Free Microsoft Azure AZ-900 Training!

submitted by /u/FunkyMonkey1360
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