Do theese javacsript files contain malicious code?

No clue what theese do, just came when i installed an add-on in visual studio extensions.

'use strict' var os = require('os') var dgram = require('dgram') var tape = require('tape') var afterAll = require('after-all') var Service = require('../lib/service') var Bonjour = require('../') var getAddresses = function () { var addresses = [] var itrs = os.networkInterfaces() for (var i in itrs) { var addrs = itrs[i] for (var j in addrs) { if (addrs[j].internal === false) { addresses.push(addrs[j].address) } } } return addresses } var port = function (cb) { var s = dgram.createSocket('udp4') s.bind(0, function () { var port = s.address().port s.on('close', function () { cb(port) }) s.close() }) } var test = function (name, fn) { tape(name, function (t) { port(function (p) { fn(Bonjour({ ip: '', port: p, multicast: false }), t) }) }) } test('bonjour.publish', function (bonjour, t) { var service = bonjour.publish({ name: 'foo', type: 'bar', port: 3000 }) t.ok(service instanceof Service) t.equal(service.published, false) service.on('up', function () { t.equal(service.published, true) bonjour.destroy() t.end() }) }) test('bonjour.unpublishAll', function (bonjour, t) { t.test('published services', function (t) { var service = bonjour.publish({ name: 'foo', type: 'bar', port: 3000 }) service.on('up', function () { bonjour.unpublishAll(function (err) { t.error(err) t.equal(service.published, false) bonjour.destroy() t.end() }) }) }) t.test('no published services', function (t) { bonjour.unpublishAll(function (err) { t.error(err) t.end() }) }) }) test('bonjour.find', function (bonjour, t) { var next = afterAll(function () { var browser = bonjour.find({ type: 'test' }) var ups = 0 browser.on('up', function (s) { if ( === 'Foo Bar') { t.equal(, 'Foo Bar') t.equal(s.fqdn, 'Foo Bar._test._tcp.local') t.deepEqual(s.txt, {}) t.deepEqual(s.rawTxt, new Buffer('00', 'hex')) } else { t.equal(, 'Baz') t.equal(s.fqdn, 'Baz._test._tcp.local') t.deepEqual(s.txt, { foo: 'bar' }) t.deepEqual(s.rawTxt, new Buffer('07666f6f3d626172', 'hex')) } t.equal(, os.hostname()) t.equal(s.port, 3000) t.equal(s.type, 'test') t.equal(s.protocol, 'tcp') t.equal(s.referer.address, '') t.equal(, 'IPv4') t.ok(Number.isFinite(s.referer.port)) t.ok(Number.isFinite(s.referer.size)) t.deepEqual(s.subtypes, []) t.deepEqual(s.addresses.sort(), getAddresses().sort()) if (++ups === 2) { // use timeout in an attempt to make sure the invalid record doesn't // bubble up setTimeout(function () { bonjour.destroy() t.end() }, 50) } }) }) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'test', port: 3000 }).on('up', next()) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Invalid', type: 'test2', port: 3000 }).on('up', next()) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Baz', type: 'test', port: 3000, txt: { foo: 'bar' } }).on('up', next()) }) test('bonjour.find - binary txt', function (bonjour, t) { var next = afterAll(function () { var browser = bonjour.find({ type: 'test', txt: { binary: true } }) browser.on('up', function (s) { t.equal(, 'Foo') t.deepEqual(s.txt, { bar: new Buffer('buz') }) t.deepEqual(s.rawTxt, new Buffer('076261723d62757a', 'hex')) bonjour.destroy() t.end() }) }) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Foo', type: 'test', port: 3000, txt: { bar: new Buffer('buz') } }).on('up', next()) }) test('bonjour.find - down event', function (bonjour, t) { var service = bonjour.publish({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'test', port: 3000 }) service.on('up', function () { var browser = bonjour.find({ type: 'test' }) browser.on('up', function (s) { t.equal(, 'Foo Bar') service.stop() }) browser.on('down', function (s) { t.equal(, 'Foo Bar') bonjour.destroy() t.end() }) }) }) test('bonjour.findOne - callback', function (bonjour, t) { var next = afterAll(function () { bonjour.findOne({ type: 'test' }, function (s) { t.equal(, 'Callback') bonjour.destroy() t.end() }) }) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Invalid', type: 'test2', port: 3000 }).on('up', next()) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Callback', type: 'test', port: 3000 }).on('up', next()) }) test('bonjour.findOne - emitter', function (bonjour, t) { var next = afterAll(function () { var browser = bonjour.findOne({ type: 'test' }) browser.on('up', function (s) { t.equal(, 'Emitter') bonjour.destroy() t.end() }) }) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Emitter', type: 'test', port: 3000 }).on('up', next()) bonjour.publish({ name: 'Invalid', type: 'test2', port: 3000 }).on('up', next()) }) 

the other one

'use strict' var os = require('os') var test = require('tape') var Service = require('../lib/service') var getAddressesRecords = function (host) { var addresses_records = [] var itrs = os.networkInterfaces() for (var i in itrs) { var addrs = itrs[i] for (var j in addrs) { if (addrs[j].internal === false) { addresses_records.push({ data: addrs[j].address, name: host, ttl: 120, type: addrs[j].family === 'IPv4' ? 'A' : 'AAAA' }) } } } return addresses_records } test('no name', function (t) { t.throws(function () { new Service({ type: 'http', port: 3000 }) // eslint-disable-line no-new }, 'Required name not given') t.end() }) test('no type', function (t) { t.throws(function () { new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', port: 3000 }) // eslint-disable-line no-new }, 'Required type not given') t.end() }) test('no port', function (t) { t.throws(function () { new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http' }) // eslint-disable-line no-new }, 'Required port not given') t.end() }) test('minimal', function (t) { var s = new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http', port: 3000 }) t.equal(, 'Foo Bar') t.equal(s.protocol, 'tcp') t.equal(s.type, '_http._tcp') t.equal(, os.hostname()) t.equal(s.port, 3000) t.equal(s.fqdn, 'Foo Bar._http._tcp.local') t.equal(s.txt, null) t.equal(s.subtypes, null) t.equal(s.published, false) t.end() }) test('protocol', function (t) { var s = new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http', port: 3000, protocol: 'udp' }) t.deepEqual(s.protocol, 'udp') t.end() }) test('host', function (t) { var s = new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http', port: 3000, host: '' }) t.deepEqual(, '') t.end() }) test('txt', function (t) { var s = new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http', port: 3000, txt: { foo: 'bar' } }) t.deepEqual(s.txt, { foo: 'bar' }) t.end() }) test('_records() - minimal', function (t) { var s = new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http', protocol: 'tcp', port: 3000 }) t.deepEqual(s._records(), [ { data: s.fqdn, name: '_http._tcp.local', ttl: 28800, type: 'PTR' }, { data: { port: 3000, target: os.hostname() }, name: s.fqdn, ttl: 120, type: 'SRV' }, { data: new Buffer('00', 'hex'), name: s.fqdn, ttl: 4500, type: 'TXT' } ].concat(getAddressesRecords( t.end() }) test('_records() - everything', function (t) { var s = new Service({ name: 'Foo Bar', type: 'http', protocol: 'tcp', port: 3000, host: '', txt: { foo: 'bar' } }) t.deepEqual(s._records(), [ { data: s.fqdn, name: '_http._tcp.local', ttl: 28800, type: 'PTR' }, { data: { port: 3000, target: '' }, name: s.fqdn, ttl: 120, type: 'SRV' }, { data: new Buffer('07666f6f3d626172', 'hex'), name: s.fqdn, ttl: 4500, type: 'TXT' } ].concat(getAddressesRecords( t.end() }) 
submitted by /u/DarkArcherPD2
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from hacking: security in practice
