How would you go about getting every disney film in the last 30 years (ish)

A bit of an odd one, but I feel if anyone could put forward a good suggestion it'd be someone here.

I'm going to do a dissertation on the colour pallete of disney films. I'm confident this is within fair use and not breaching copyright and am not planning on redistrobuting the films, but I realise it may come across as otberwise at first glance.

Ideally, I need to download every Disney film made in the last 30 years or so (although if I could go back to 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarves which was the first colour Disney film I'm happy to). An mp4 format would be best but I'm sure it wpuldn't be hRd to convert some if needed. Could anyone suggest how to go about doing that? I'm happy to code up a simple web scraping bot, but I'd rather not have to go overboard.

I'd be more than happy to pay £30 or so for Disney+ if that helped.

Edit: Thought to add, I don't actually need every film. The most popular 90% would be fine.

submitted by /u/TechnicalyAnIdiot
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