Could my neighbor being hacking me?

I am in a university town, and we are nearing the end of the semester. Last night around 11:30pm the neighbour that I have only seen once all year asked for the WiFi password. He said all of his roommates moved out for the summer (this is true) and they took their router with them (unsure if this is true).

We gave him the wrong answer the first time accidentally so he had to come back to ask again. The first time we asked to just type it on his phone for him and he said he didn't bring it. Second time he came, we asked once again to type it on the phone for him but he suggested we write it on a piece of paper. He didn't seem very sus but it was very late at night.

Today I got a notification on my laptop while writing a final exam that my connection was no longer private. The pop-up also had something about financial information can be collected when your network is in this state. Would you like to stay on the network? I clicked no, and finished my exam via hotspot from my phone. I have seen some internet popups asking if you'd like to share the network to other devices, however this one I received was like nothing I have seen before.

My question is given these circumstances and that we won't see this man again as he is moved out, could he have been hacking us? Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/korprr
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from hacking: security in practice
