Are any Hak5 tools really worth it?

So, since I was a child I've been obsessed with computers. Learning to build them with my dad was always my favorite thing to do when I was younger. I finally took the step and wanted to take my knowledge even deeper, and took a 6 month Network Engineering program. I've always wanted to be a hacker, and during my program my interest shifted from wanting to build networks to wanting to keep them secure. More specifically, Red Teaming is what interests me as well as hug bounties. I've known about Hak5 for as long as I can remember, but I was never able to purchase any of their tools due to financial reasons.. Well I make a bit more money now than I use to lol, but I was just curious if any of these tools are actually worth it and practical? For example, isn't it possible to achieve the same things that a WiFi pineapple can with just a good wireless adapter and some tools in Linux? Another tool I was interested in was the USB Rubber Ducky, but upon further research I've found that the target machine needs to load drivers which can take up to 60 seconds. Not at all like the 8-15 seconds & pwned advertising. The only other one I'm quite interested in is the Bash Bunny, but it's out of stock.

submitted by /u/quave210
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from hacking: security in practice
