Supposedly there was a security breach for California School Applicants. How legit is this?

I posted this on the UC and college subreddit and the responses were mixed and I am trying to get a clear answer. People were receiving emails in their spam saying their info would be posted on the dark web myself included because we used the website portal to submit our application. It was not just UC applicants, but students who are attending UCs as well, and people who applied to CSUs that received the email. It had a shady link and some people clicked it saying they were screenshots of someone's info as well as previous places they have managed to get into. There is no information on this out yet as schools have not stated anything about it as some people claim it's just phishing, but some people are being serious that it is something to be worried about.

I posted the link here to another Reddit post since I deleted the email, but you can take a look at the post and comments and let me know your thoughts.

submitted by /u/kawaiixgirl
[link] [comments]

from hacking: security in practice
