Finding original time stamp from photo sent over phone

So I have a sketch co worker who was fired bc we caught him leaving the job to do weird things , in the bathroom all the time , and just being a little manic in general ( who we just re-hired bc he is good at at his job; he begged; second chances... blah blah blah). Anyway. He said he had stomach pain on his first week back and then later said he had a seizure. I actually love the dude like a brother, but...🤷‍♀️ ? He sent a pic from the hospital. He was in Full scrubs, IV , nose pipes. Pic was sent a little after 2, and he makes it in at 4 acting super agitated and and manic after being treated for severe stomach pain and a seizure??This sounds like BS, right?

I would like to know if you can figure out the original time stamp of the picture. Plenty of shady people just have a rando hospital pic to get them out of responsibilities. I will feel bad if he was telling the truth.

If anyone can walk me through this, that would be great. When I download the picture, it gives me the time a downloaded it.


submitted by /u/DarkestTimeLine_Says
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