Can someone in the Navy hack into my phone?

So I've been in a domestic abuse situation for a while now, and 2 months ago, my mother and I finally decided to run away from my stepdad/ her husband. They're currently separated, but he still calls her for random stuff here and there. He's called about 4 times telling her he's behind her on a road or the freeway, just randomly. For a while, we were concerned he had installed a GPS on our cars. Recently, she spoke to a [male] friend she hadn't spoken to in a while. He never allowed her to talk to friends, and if she did, he'd get really mad. So immediately after talking to this friend, he calls her angrily, but doesn't say why he's pissed. The next day, he calls her JUST to tell her that his son (who's in Cyber Security in the Navy), was able to access his phone from where he was, and "solve an issue" his phone had been having. His brand new iPhone. So my mom simply replies like "okay? That's cool?" But anyway, now she's stressing out that maybe he is using his son's help to track her and access everything on her phone, but I don't know if this is even possible?

Note: I feel like taking advantage of things you learn in the Navy to breach someone's privacy sounds highly illegal, and it makes me wonder if we're really worth facing a ton of charges and maybe prison. But also, this man literally lost a job because he refused to go so he could stay home making sure my mom didn't go out anywhere, or talk to anyone.

So is it possible he is watching everything we do with help from his son...? Is there any way for me to find out whether or not my phone or my mother's phone is being hacked? Another weird thing I've noticed is that my phone's battery (iPhone 11 I got about a year and a half ago) suddenly started depleting really fast, and I couldn't figure out why. Is this a sign it's being hacked...?

Sorry for the long post, I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit either, but it was worth a shot. Thank you!

submitted by /u/dasillycat
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from hacking: security in practice
