I'm not sure if this is the right place but desperate for an answer here

My friend is tracking me on telegram .. I could be offline for 10 hours and the moment I'm online he sends me a message , he also added me to a channel (he is the admin of the channel) and he sends stuff in the channel at the same time as I become online . I'm hiding my last seen so how could he possibly do that? I've asked about this before and some people said he's scheduling his messages but that can't be because I'm hiding my last seen and also it wouldn't explain how he can do this with the channel as well . The problem is I'm worried thag he might have hacked my account , that is the only explanation I can think of , I've looked for everything and there is just no way that he could do what he's doing unless he's already in my account.. Does anyone know any other way ? And if he's hacked my account how do I deal with it?(there is no active session but I've heard that a good hacker can hack you without showing in active sessions) . Someone told me there is online scripts that shows you when someone is online , Does anyone know such a thing? Would really appreciate some help

submitted by /u/kubota_bb
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/3ujDZQa
