How would one reverse engineer a USB based remote for an embedded device?

I have an air accuator which has a remote which displays psi readings and control air flow to 4 outputs. Basically it's an air bag suspension system for a car. I basically want to make my own remote, either simply with switches or on some sort of Arduino. Given the remote is USB based I assume it's some sort of serial communication to the accuator. How would I intercept the remote so I can learn the "commands" so I can replay it via Arduino? I don't want to disassemble the remote as it appears to only be possible via destructive methods. But I can unplug the remote from the accuator and vice versa. If I plug the remote into a computer it just gives it power and displays nothing. I doubt I'd ever find some sort of driver. Either way this won't help me understand what communication the accuator sends and receives.

What's my next step?

submitted by /u/cakeanalytics
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from hacking: security in practice
