Is this really the only solution?

Steam community IDs. Most of them are worthless, some specific ones (popular words, very short 2-4 letter IDs) hold real world value, thus they are subject to hijacking attempts.

But what about a dormant account, with zero games on it, zero funds added or used, no friends or any kind of activity. Someone made an user, chose a custom community ID, and then never used the account again. Does the ID ever expire after a few years of inactivity?

If not, does Valve manually carry out harmless ID removals given the ID isn't of any value?

And again if not, then that leaves the only option left with trying to social engineer or bruteforce into the account somehow.

Are those really the only options? It's infuriating.

submitted by /u/PD2CWE
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from hacking: security in practice
