A response to everyone looking for 'How to start'

Here's an answer to you and subsequently ALL the people who have the same question. Copy paste this if you see another question like yours. (Also sorry if I sound a little rude, I'm trying my best not to)

  1. No one here, or even most possibility ANY reddit group, will be ready to teach you the "wHoLe GuIdE tO bEcOmInG a HaCkEr". They all figured it out them self and are here to share what they've learnt and not to tutor a kid.
  2. You have to understand that it takes YEARS to learn all this. And it needs a hella' time and dedication. You can't just take interest in it today cuz it seems cool and forget about it in a week. If you don't have years, it's fine to do it a little later.
  3. If you're confused what to do, (Not only abt hacking, literally anything in life) Just start somewhere. In this case particular, maybe buy a book abt 'hacking fir beginners' or 'hacking with Linux'.

It can also be something like 'How to create a website'. and while reading, think about what can go wrong. Then you will learn 2 things. a. About building websites (Maybe a new coding language) and what and how could something go wrong.

It can also be a tutorial playlist from yt, or even a bought course from sites like Skill-share and Udemy.

  1. As long as you have fun and are genuinely interested, you will keep learning. Keep googling what you don't know. Keep finding new stuff, learning new languages and think about what could go wrong and maybe even try to make it go wrong.. Gaining information and physically testing it out is also very important.

  2. After a little bit of knowledge on websites, I would Highly recommend CTFs. They're a great way to learn. Go check out 'LiveOverFlow's video on how to CTF

And at the end, don't ask someone to spoon-feed you something. Instead just explore and find the path yourself, it's way more fun that way.

submitted by /u/Ralph4000
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/34AC9in
