4-way handshake

I have a question that i can't find answers anywhere, I read deep into wpa2 and all 4 stages of the handshake and my question is about the mic from what I understood the process of bruteforcing a wordlist is involved in trying to build the mic with passwords from the wordlist untill it matches the grabbed mic from the handshake this way we know this is the right password, my question is : Isn't everything that can be encrypted can be decrypted why rebuild the mic until it matches the original one when we can decrypt and read that mic for the password, yes i know it's hard but not impossible at least, EX:- if we encrypt an image file with a simple algorithm if we need to see it we will enter the password now instead of guessing the password if we know the encryption algorithm we can regenerate the keys that were used to encrypt it and dencrypt it again, why we guess when we could read the password directly if we can dencrypt the mic, thanks for reading please help me out ir point me to any info thanks.

submitted by /u/_xd22
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