/r/CyberSecurity AMA Series - Week long AMAs from December until March

Hi everyone,

Over at /r/CyberSecurity we will be running week long AMAs with industry professionals focused on all aspects on the cybersecurity industry. This AMA Series is kind of like a 'virtual careers expo', and is aimed at those looking to make the transition to, or advance their cyber security career. These AMAs are designed to run for an entire week - personally, I don't like the small 3-hour AMAs because I always miss them. These longer AMAs should hopefully enable greater engagement and more dialogue between those asking and those responding.

Most AMAs will have several respondents, with our long term goal being the creation of a Knowledge Base or FAQ based on the content of the AMAs. Hopefully then this FAQ can be referred to by people seeking to join the industry in the future.

Below is the AMA Schedule, which is also in our New Reddit Sidebar.

Date Description Responders
2 DEC - 9 DEC Fullstack Academy - online education provider /u/fullstack-academy, /u/markdavis33, /u/veer, /u/rchltr, /u/dawontonhan, /u/jjilljilljilljj, /u/substantial-belt-134, u/Profcronin5
9 DEC - 16 DEC Team Searchlight - OSINT specialists /r/accessosint, /u/moutonf, /u/the_wondersmith, /u/zewensec
16 DEC - 23 DEC Security Analyst /u/heyitsmegannnn, /u/nurotoukai, /u/vikarux
30 DEC - 6 JAN GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) Specialist /u/GRC_Sec_AMA
6 JAN - 13 JAN Penetration Testers /u/shoot4root, /u/0xFF0F
13 JAN - 20 JAN Security Assurance /u/brnbabybrn_cyber
20 JAN - 27 JAN Security Researcher /u/_larry0
27 JAN - 3 FEB Security Consulting /u/ReckedExe
3 FEB - 10 FEB CISSP /u/nuroktoukai, /u/heyitsmegannnn
10 FEB - 17 FEB Security Engineering (tentative)
17 - 24 FEB Cloud Security /u/tweedge
24 FEB - 3 MAR Large Enterprise / Jack of all Trades Security Admin /u/omers
10 MAR - 17 MAR CISO Series /u/dspark, /u/anotherstandard, /u/seeitsecureit

Here is the link to the scheduling thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/comments/k2kpv3/ama_schedule/

Please, if you're interested in a cybersecurity career, make a reminder for any AMA that interests you and come check it out! Also, if you feel like you would like to participate as a responder for an AMA, please email cybersecsubreddit[@]gmail[.]com

submitted by /u/Oscar_Geare
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