How to YouTubers that troll scammers get away with RATing them?

I'm sure most people in this sub have seen the "Scammer gets ratted" videos.

Personally, I just think they're kinda funny, but whether you agree with the ethics or not, isn't what they're doing technically just as illegal!? From what I understand (and of course correct me if I'm wrong but...) just because someone may have hacked you, doesn't mean you can hack them back. (maybe legalities can be argued if a victim unknowingly is giving them permission. idk, I'm not a lawyer, I'm hoping someone here understand this more than me)
I mean, I don't think there's any self defense laws when it comes to hacking lol

I'm sure there are some laws that vary per country, but there has to be some international law that covers this right?

submitted by /u/Officialsparxx
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from hacking: security in practice
