How do you feel about the impact of technology on human behavior and society as a whole? Is it a good thing or will it lead to our destruction?

So I recently read a short book called “industrial society and it’s future” which for those of you who don’t know the author is Theodore Kaczynski otherwise known as the unabomber. Of course I think what Ted did was horrible and never should have been done but he brings up loads of good points in his book about the impacts of technology on human behavior and how it will ultimately lead to our downfall, considering that it’s was written in the 60s and 70s it’s insanely accurate to today’s internet era.

I don’t agree with Ted in a lot of regards I don’t think we should go back to being a primitive species I think we should embrace computers as tools but I do think to an extent the internet and interconnectedness of today are ruining a lot of society and causing tons of problems.

I just thought I’d ask here what y’all think on the topic of technological progress since we as a group are some of the most involved and knowledgeable with technology. I’ve noticed to once you start meeting people in cybersecurity you see a lot of these semi anti-tech opinions getting floated around probably since we are aware of the horrors of technology more so than the average joe, I just think it’s interesting and would like to start a discussion.

Where do you draw the line with your personal use of computers and the internet?

Do you think the impact of computers is good or bad?

Do you think the internet changes how people think and process reality?

submitted by /u/linux_is_hot
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